Monday, January 11, 2016

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was written by Mark Twain and published on 1885. The book is named with along with other american classics.


the story happening in a little town near the Mississippi River on the 30's of the nineteen century. the plot starts shortly after "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer". The protagonist of the story is Huckleberry "Huck" Finn.
After Huck earned a lot of money and placed under the guardianship of the Widow Douglas and her sister Miss Watson who try to civilize him in "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", Huck's alcoholic father "pap" come back to town after he heard his son made some money. Huck is kidnapped by his father after he refused to give him the money. He escapes and make it looks like he was murdered and sail down the Mississippi on a raft. After he lands on Jackson's island near his town he stumbles across Jim, Miss Watson’s slave who has run away for fear he will be sold down the river. Huck and Jim learn that men are coming to search Jackson's Island, and escape down the river on a raft. their plan is to reach the Illinois town of Cairo, and from there, Jim would take the Ohio River up to the free states.

האק וג'ים על רפסודהHuck and Jim encounter several characters including a band of robbers aboard a wrecked steamboat and two Southern "genteel" families who are involved in a bloody feud. Through their escape Jim is Captured and sold back to slavery. When Huck goes to find Jim, he discovers that Jim is being held captive on Silas and Sally Phelps' farm. The Phelps think Huck is their visiting nephew, Tom Sawyer, and Huck easily falls into the role of Tom. Tom Sawyer soon arrives and, after Huck explains Jim's captivity, Tom takes on the guise of his own brother, Sid. Tom suggest plan for freeing Jim that is based on several of the prison and adventure novels he has read, and the simple act of freeing Jim becomes a complicated operation. When the escape finally takes place, a farmer shoots Tom in the calf. Because Jim have not left the injured Tom, Jim is again recaptured and taken back to the Phelps farm. At the farm, Tom reveals the entire scheme to Aunt Sally and Uncle Silas. Readers learn that Miss Watson has passed away and freed Jim in her will, and Tom has been aware of Jim's freedom the entire time. At the end of the novel, Jim is finally set free and Huck ponders his next adventure away from civilization.


The narrator in the story is Huck himself and the use of authentic language that match Huck’s way of talk as orphaned, abandoned, homeless and uneducated kid caused people and libraries to ban the book. Also display runaway slave as a human and the decision of Huck to help him escape received much disapproval.

The book banned by parents, school and libraries in the united states and appear on the American Library Association (ALA) challenge books list, especially because of him being “racist” by some people – the word “nigger” appears in the book 219 times and the word Injun (a racist name for Indian) appear him many times as well.

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